OPC Missionary Deacons

Cooperative Agreement:

In reflecting upon the divinely ordained role of deacons to enable ministers of the Word to devote themselves to their calling, the CDM has concluded that it is proper and appropriate to use CDM funds to send out missionary deacons to assist missionaries in their labors on the field. The CDM has entered into a cooperative agreement with the Committee on Foreign Missions to promote the work of the church through the ministry of missionary deacons…

 The Cooperative Agreement is included in the CDM Operating Manual rev14a (180406) and may be reviewed upon request.

The Missionary Deacon Subcommittee oversees OPC Missionary Deacons.

Current OPC Missionary Deacons:

  • Jed Homan, Maintenance Manager in Karamoja

  • OPC Uganda Mission in Karamoja

  • Travis Emmett, Facilities Manager in Karamoja

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