
Diaconal ministry is inherently local in nature, therefore the role of the CDM at the denominational level is to be a resource for deacons who serve on the regional and local levels as members of presbytery diaconal committees or local diaconates. The CDM strives to provide networking and training opportunities for those who “are called to show forth the compassion of Christ in a manifold ministry of mercy toward the saints and strangers on behalf of the church” (OPC Book of Church Order).  (From the CDM Operating Manual rev14a 180406).

On a 2-5 year rotating basis, the Committee on Diaconal Ministries (CDM) hosts National Diaconal Summits and Presbytery Diaconal Summits. Summits usually range from Thursday evening to Saturday morning and are usually held in the Chicago area.

Summit Materials

Recent Summit Videos

National Diaconal Summit IV 2022

NDS IV Speaker Notes

*none provided, if not listed

Presbytery Diaconal Summit V 2023

Encouragement from
OPC deacon Bob Keys