Presbytery Diaconal
Committee Resources

Presbytery Diaconal Summit V 2023 Videos

  • 1. Regarding Local Congregations

    a. Stands ready to assist local diaconates with matters that exceed their local resources.

    b. Stands ready to assist congregations and mission works without local deacons.

    c. Promotes, encourages and coordinates diaconal work within the presbytery.

    d. Communicates and promotes diaconal ministry opportunities within the presbytery.

    e. Educates and encourages the presbytery to carry out diaconal responsibilities in response to various needs.

    2. Regarding the CDM

    a. Promotes the work of the CDM within the presbytery.

    b. Serves as Presbytery’s liaison between the CDM and the churches of Presbytery in evaluating local requests for aid which the Presbytery is unable to provide for, and referring these to the CDM.

    3. Regarding Disaster Relief

    a. Promotes the work of disaster relief among the churches of our presbytery, in coordination with the CDM, other OPC presbyteries, and the broader church in general.

    4. Regarding Ministers

    a. Inquires and acts to ensure that every retired minister of the Presbytery, every minister’s widow and his dependent family have adequate resources to meet their normal needs.

    b. Seeks to discover cases of pastors in need and gives them aid as they are able, if they judge that circumstances warrant such aid.

    5. Regarding Anticipating Needs

    a. Assesses needs by conducting a survey of the financial needs of the churches in Presbytery.

    b. Brings to the presbytery’s attention the work of other Christian relief agencies.

    6. Regarding Diaconal Funds

    a. Raises funds from the churches of Presbytery to meet particular needs that come to their attention.

    b. Recommends an annual per capita amount.

    c. Requests funds from the CDM.

    7. Regarding Deacons of the Presbytery

    a. Keeps a roll of active deacons of Presbytery and makes such a roll available to Presbytery.

    b. Promotes contact between the local deacon boards.

    A printable version of the Proposed Mandate for the Work of the PDC can be found here.

  • Presented by Nathan Trice at PDS II, San Antonio, TX (November 6-7, 2014)

    I. Reforms Within Your Presbytery Diaconal Committee

    1. Become acquainted with your fellow committee members.

    2. Educate yourself regarding diaconal ministry in the OPC.

    3. Establish a pattern of committee meetings.

    4. Establish a pattern of presbytery attendance.

    5. Ascertain the personal investment of fellow committee members.

    6. Establish a protocol for responding to diaconal needs.

    7. Brainstorm regarding diaconal ministry opportunities.

    II. Reforms Within Your Presbytery

    1. Establish a pattern of reporting at presbytery meetings.

    2. Establish contact with each of the retired ministers of the presbytery (or their widows).

    3. Propose positive personnel changes to the committee.

    4. Take initiative as a committee in the review of the terms of new calls.

    5. Seek funding from the presbytery to maintain adequate reserves.

    6. Propose appropriate changes to the by-laws.

    7. Verify adequate medical insurance for all the ministers of the presbytery.

    III. Reforms Within Your Regional Church

    1. Introduce your committee to each of the local diaconates.

    2. Educate local diaconates on the protocol for receiving diaconal assistance.

    3. Establish a roll of deacons within the presbytery (with gifts inventory).

    4. Disseminate diaconal ministry updates to the local diaconates.

    5. Communicate diaconal needs to the local diaconate.

    6. Organize diaconal seminars or conferences for the presbytery.

    7. Offer assistance to congregations without diaconates.

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