PDS V 2023 Videos Now Available

Did you know there are resources available if your pastor needs advice, counseling, or financial assistance? Have you thought about what role you, as a local deacon, play in connecting with other diaconates in your Presbytery in disaster response or in aiding other churches without deacons? Do you know what your Presbytery Diaconal Committee does? Don't worry if you don't—no one person does! Answering these questions is just one of the purposes of Presbytery Diaconal Summits (PDS).  Although these summits are primarily to aid and encourage Presbytery Diaconal Committee members in their work, we believe each local deacon can benefit from learning more about these topics as well. That's why we had each session recorded and are excited to share with you our fifth OPC Presbytery Diaconal Summit sessions. We urge you to look into the many resources you’ll hear about and let us know if you want to know more about these topics or Presbytery Diaconal Committees. We hope you are as encouraged as we are by the content of these sessions. Choose one you are curious about, or better yet, select one to watch with your fellow deacons!

You can find all the videos here.


Let Us Do Good to Everyone


Meet Your Fellow Deacon: Phil Smith